Category: Yleinen

33 posts

Nordec Group Oy: Nordec Awarded Contract for the southern part of Laakso Joint Hospital Main Building Project

Finance contract for 100 M€ with European Investment Bank for Laakso Joint Hospital construction project

Marko Virtanen resigns as CEO of real estate limited company Laakso Joint Hospital

Havainnekuvassa uusi sairaalarakennus viistosti ilmasta kuvattuna.

Agreement to drill a geothermal energy well for the Laakso Joint Hospital

The first block of the new main building of the Laakso Hospital area on March 7, 2024.

New early-morning detonation slot as of March 25

We are looking for ways to give more time for the prefab installation crew to perform their work and to cause less disruption to customers of the Synapsia Building.

Sairaala-alueen työmaa ilmakuvassa.

The morning blasting times will change from 18.3.

We are preparing for blasting near the Meilahti Hospital area.

Kaivinkoneita työssä avolouhintatyömaalla, jonka reunassa on harmaa rakennus.

Temporary blasting time from February 26th to March 11th 

A large construction site with an old hospital building in the background.

Resident event, 27 February, 6 pm to 7 pm 

Construction experts are ready to answer questions and talk about construction of the Laakso Joint Hospital.

Machines in the tunnel.

The construction of the Meilahti-Laakso tunnel is progressing under Urheilukatu

The bulletin has been distributed to the nearest resident buildings.

Porakone työskentelee pimeässä kalliotunnelissa.

Evening blasting time to extend slightly beyond 9 pm

Blasting always ends at 9 pm.