Contact us

Contact information for the construction site and the various parties involved in the Laakso Joint Hospital project.


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Construction sites

[email protected]

+358 41 731 6335

Construction site at the Laakso riding arena and Auroranportti
Auroranportti 2, 00520 Helsinki

Construction site in the Laakso hospital area
Lääkärinkatu 8, 00250 Helsinki

> working hours of the construction sites

Project office

Laakso Joint Hospital Alliance
Pihan big room
Lääkärinkatu 8
00250 Helsinki

Visit requests

Would you like to visit the Laakso Joint Hospital project? Fill out the visit request form and we will contact you.

Alliance and customer

[email protected]

Anna Tainio
tel. +358 40 841 3600
[email protected]

Jenni Valtari
tel. +358 040 869 9099
[email protected]

Laakso Joint Hospital Alliance
Project Manager Ossi Inkilä
tel. +358 40 708 2253
[email protected]

Assistant Project Manager Anu Åkerman
p. +358 40 184 0201
[email protected]

Customer, Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Laakson yhteissairaala (real estate company)
President & CEO Marko Virtanen
tel. +358 40 139 4300
[email protected]

Director of Construction Project Management Maarit Tulokas
tel. +358 40 190 3894
[email protected]

On this website you can find information about the construction project of the Laakso Hospital area. Are you looking for information about health services instead? Check out Laakso hospital’s website