Open-face blasting to begin in the Laakso Hospital area

Kaksi vanhaa sairaalarakennusta, lunta maassa, harmaa taivas.
Louhinta alkaa puretun terveysaseman kohdasta. Kuva: Jussi Kaartinen / SRV.

The Laakso Joint Hospital alliance is continuing its preparatory work in the Laakso area. The next phase of work will begin in December with open-face blasting in the Laakso Hospital area. The sites will cause noise, dust and other disruption, but we will do our best to minimize the inconvenience. For example, we will monitor noise and vibrations by taking measurements.

The work will begin on the site of the demolished health center. Excavation will cause noise, particularly in the initial stages of the work. The pit will deepen as work progresses, and the walls will form a noise barrier for the immediate surroundings.

According to the infrastructure contractors, the noisiest part of the work will likely be loading the quarried rock onto truck beds. In addition, the sound of drilling will affect the vicinity, as holes need to be drilled into the rock before explosive charges can be set in them. Noise-dampening mats will be used during blasting.

Site traffic will initially use Lääkärinkatu

In the initial phase of work, blasted rock will be transported away along Lääkärinkatu. Site traffic will be directed to the new site access road when it is completed. A new site access road will be built from the Laakso Hospital area down to Laaksonkenttä and onward to Nordenskiöldinkatu.

Preparations for vehicle tunnels on Laaksonkenttä

In December, the infrastructure contractors will start preparing to build a vehicle tunnel on Laaksonkenttä. In the initial phase, we will carry out excavation and open-face blasting and build supporting walls of sheet piling in the excavation pits.

Noise and vibrations measured constantly

We will do our best to minimize the inconvenience. We will take measurements to monitor noise and vibrations. The real estate properties in the vicinity have been surveyed in advance. We will announce any disruptive work in advance.

We will only do noisy work between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays in the Laakso Hospital area and on Laaksonkenttä and Aurorankenttä. We will also be working outside these hours, and all construction and other work can cause some noise.

Resident event on December 12, 2022

We are holding an event for residents from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, December 12. You are welcome to attend either online or in person at Validia Oy’s Pihnala Hall (Nordenskiöldinkatu 18 B).

Read instructions on attending remotely