Changes to pedestrian and cycle routes around Laaksonkenttä
The pedestrian and cycle path at the northern end of Aurora Bridge will be closed north of Nordenskiöldinkatu.

In June, the Laakso Joint Hospital project began excavations for a rock tunnel in Laaksonkenttä. Foundation excavations for the new main building are also underway in the Laakso Hospital area. Rock from both construction sites will be transported along Laaksonkenttä’s new site road to Aurora Bridge, and from there onto Nordenskiöldinkatu.
To ensure the safety of road users, changes will be made to pedestrian and cycle routes.
Changes to come
The pedestrian and cycle path at the northern end of Aurora Bridge will be closed north of Nordenskiöldinkatu.
Nordenskiöldinpolku and Auroransilta bridge are in normal use, but the passage from Auroranportti up to the bridge and to Nordenskiöldinpolku will be cut off. Auroransilta can therefore be reached from the south side of Nordenskiöldinkatu and from the north via Nordenskiöldinpolku.
The change will come into effect on July 10 at the earliest, and they are valid for several years, even until the end of the Laakso Joint Hospital project.
Pedestrians and cyclists can also use the path that starts near the Children’s Traffic Town and runs on the west side of Laaksonkenttä. It will open to pedestrians and cyclists again on 29th of June 2023.
Verbal description of the map
- Pedestrians and cyclists can go north from Nordenskiöldinkatu and to Keskuspuisto park on the west side of the Children’s Traffic Town and Laaksonkenttä.
- When walking or cycling Nordenskiöldinpolku from north to south, you cannot turn down to Nordenskiöldinkatu before Auroransilta. There are no changes when crossing the Aurora bridge, which means that you can walk and cycle it normally.
- You can’t go up to Nordenskiöldinpolku and Auroransilta from Auroranportti. Auroransilta can be reached from the south side of Nordenskiöldinkatu, from the south end of the bridge.
- Construction site traffic runs from the Laaksonkenttä construction site via Auroranportti to Nordenskiöldinkatu.